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    Obesity Treatment in istanbul
    Obesity Treatment in İstanbul

    What is Obesity? Obesity Treatment Methods and Prices 2024

    Obesity is a condition characterized by excessive fat accumulation in the body, leading to adverse health effects. Obesity is usually defined using the body mass index (BMI), and individuals with a BMI over 30 are considered obese. Obesity can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. In 2024, obesity treatment methods and prices vary depending on the clinics and types of treatment.

    Obesity Treatment Methods

    Surgical Methods:

    • Gastric Balloon: A balloon is placed in the stomach to reduce its volume, helping patients feel full with less food.
    • Gastric Sleeve (Sleeve Gastrectomy): A large portion of the stomach is surgically removed to reduce its capacity.
    • Gastric Bypass: The stomach is partially bypassed to change the absorption pathway of food, reducing calorie intake.
    • Gastric Band: A band is placed around the upper part of the stomach to restrict food intake.

    Non-Surgical Methods:

    • Diet and Exercise: Personalized diet plans and regular exercise programs aimed at weight loss.
    • Medical Treatments: Weight loss medications prescribed under doctor supervision.
    • Psychological Support: Psychological counseling to address the emotional factors contributing to obesity.
    • Nutritional Counseling: Changing dietary habits and creating healthy eating programs.


    Average Stay Duration


    Hospital Stay Duration


    Operation Duration


    Type of Anesthesia

    Surgical & Non-Surgical Methods

    Recovery Period

    Depends on the Treatment Type

    Pre-Treatment Advice for Obesity

    Before undergoing obesity treatment, patients should consider the following important points:

    • General Health Check: Ensure your overall health condition is assessed before the treatment.
    • Detailed Information: Get detailed information about the treatment methods and process to make an informed decision.
    • Psychological Preparation: Prepare psychologically for the treatment process.
    • Diet and Exercise: Start healthy eating habits and exercise programs before the treatment.
    • Follow Doctor’s Instructions: Adhere to all the instructions and advice given by your doctor before the treatment.

    Post-Treatment Advice for Obesity

    For maintaining a healthy lifestyle after obesity treatment, patients should follow these guidelines:

    • Regular Check-Ups: Attend regular follow-up appointments with your doctor.
    • Healthy Eating: Permanently change your eating habits and follow healthy eating programs.
    • Regular Exercise: Make exercise a part of your daily routine.
    • Psychological Support: Continue to receive psychological support if needed.
    • Medication: Take any prescribed medications regularly.
    • Social Support: Seek support from family and friends to stay motivated.

    Who is Suitable for Obesity Treatment?

    Obesity treatment is generally suitable for individuals aged 18 and over. Treatment approaches for younger individuals and children may vary.



    The effects of obesity treatment can vary depending on the method used. Surgical methods generally provide long-term weight control.




    Gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy) and gastric bypass are the most preferred surgical methods.


    At Turkeyaesthetica, obesity treatment prices for 2024 vary depending on the methods used and the clinics. Prices generally range between 2000-10000 €


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