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    Moustache Transplant in istanbul

    What is Moustache Transplant? Moustache Transplant Prices 2024

    Moustache transplant is a procedure where hair follicles are extracted from a donor area (usually the back of the head) and transplanted to areas with missing or sparse facial hair. This procedure is suitable for individuals who want to enhance their facial hair density and achieve an aesthetically pleasing moustache. In 2024, moustache transplant prices vary depending on the clinic and the expertise of the practitioners.

    How is Moustache Transplant Performed?

    Moustache transplant can be performed using techniques such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). In the FUE method, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and transplanted to the moustache area. In the FUT method, a strip of skin with hair is removed from the donor area, and the hair follicles are separated and transplanted. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and typically takes 2-4 hours.


    Average Stay Duration

    Same Day

    Hospital Stay Duration

    Same Day Discharge

    Operation Duration

    2 – 4 Hours

    Type of Anesthesia

    Local Anesthesia

    Recovery Period

    1 – 2 Weeks

    Pre-Surgery Advice for Moustache Transplant

    Before undergoing moustache transplant, patients should consider the following important points:

    • Reduce Smoking and Alcohol Consumption: Stop smoking and reduce alcohol intake at least one week before the procedure.
    • Avoid Blood Thinners: Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and blood-thinning herbal supplements at least one week before the procedure.
    • Do Not Trim Your Moustache: Avoid trimming your moustache before the procedure; your doctor will determine the necessary length.
    • Follow Doctor’s Instructions: Adhere to all the instructions and advice given by your doctor before the procedure.

    Post-Surgery Advice for Hair Transplant

    For a smooth and healthy recovery after the procedure, patients should follow these guidelines:

    • Keep Your Head Elevated: Sleep with your head elevated after the procedure.
    • Use Cold Compresses: Apply cold compresses for the first 48 hours to reduce swelling and bruising.
    • Avoid Heavy Exercise: Avoid heavy exercise for a few weeks after the procedure.
    • Protect Your Face: Protect your face from impacts and direct sunlight for the first few days after the procedure.
    • Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Attend all follow-up appointments as recommended by your doctor.

    Who is Suitable for Moustache Transplant?

    Moustache transplant is generally suitable for individuals aged 18 and over. In younger individuals, it is recommended to wait until facial hair development is complete.


    New hair growth from a moustache transplant may take 3-6 months. Final results are typically seen within 12 months.




    The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method is the most preferred due to its natural results and minimal scarring.

    At Turkeyaesthetica, moustache transplant prices for 2024 vary depending on the expertise of the practitioners and the techniques used. Prices generally range between 1000-3000 €


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