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    Dental Implants in istanbul

    What are Dental Implants? Dental Implants Prices 2024

    Dental implants are titanium screws placed into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. This procedure is performed to restore the function and aesthetics of lost teeth. Dental implants offer the closest solution to natural teeth, improving chewing function and oral health. In 2024, dental implant prices vary depending on the clinic and the expertise of the practitioners.

    How are Dental Implants Performed?

    Dental implant procedure involves placing titanium screws into the jawbone. Local anesthesia is applied to the area before the procedure, and then the implants are inserted into the jawbone. The implants are allowed to integrate with the bone (osseointegration) over a few months, after which a prosthetic tooth is placed on top of the implant.


    Average Stay Duration

    Same Day

    Hospital Stay Duration

    Same Day Discharge

    Operation Duration

    1 – 2 Hours

    Type of Anesthesia

    Local Anesthesia

    Recovery Period

    1 – 2 Days

    Pre-Surgery Advice for Dental Implants

    Before undergoing dental implants, patients should consider the following important points:

    • Maintain Oral Hygiene: Ensure regular oral hygiene before the procedure.
    • Avoid Blood Thinners: Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and blood-thinning herbal supplements at least one week before the procedure.
    • Do Not Smoke: Avoid smoking for at least 24 hours before the procedure.
    • Follow Doctor’s Instructions: Adhere to all the instructions and advice given by your doctor before the procedure.

    Post-Surgery Advice for Dental Implants

    For a smooth and healthy recovery after the procedure, patients should follow these guidelines:

    • Maintain Oral Hygiene: Keep the implant area clean and hygienic by regularly brushing and using dental floss.
    • Consume Soft Foods: Eat soft foods and liquids for the first few days.
    • Avoid Heavy Exercise: Avoid heavy exercise for a few days after the procedure.
    • Use Cold Compresses: Apply cold compresses to reduce swelling and pain.
    • Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Attend all follow-up appointments as recommended by your doctor.

    Who is Suitable for Dental Implants?

    Dental implants are generally suitable for individuals aged 18 and over. The procedure is not recommended for young people whose jawbone development is incomplete.


    Dental implants typically require 3-6 months to integrate with the bone. Final results are achieved when the prosthetic tooth is placed.




    The most preferred method involves placing titanium screws into the jawbone and attaching a prosthetic tooth on top.

    At Turkeyaesthetica, dental implant prices for 2024 vary depending on the expertise of the practitioners and the materials used. Prices generally range between 500-1500 €

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