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    bbl 2024

    What is Butt Aesthetics (BBL)? Butt Aesthetics (BBL) Surgery Prices 2024

    Butt aesthetics, specifically known as Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), is an aesthetic surgical procedure that aims to correct and enhance the shape of the buttocks. This method involves transferring fat from different areas of the body to the buttocks, making them fuller, rounder, and more aesthetically pleasing. Factors such as aging, gravity, and weight changes can cause the buttocks to lose their shape over time, but BBL helps restore a youthful and firm appearance. In 2024, butt aesthetics (BBL) surgery prices vary depending on the clinic and the surgeon’s experience.

    Average Stay Duration

    7 Days

    Hospital Stay Duration

    1 Day

    Operation Duration

    2 – 4 Hours

    Type of Anesthesia

    General Anesthesia

    Recovery Period

    1 – 2 Weeks

    Pre-Surgery Advice for Butt Augmentation

    • Before undergoing butt augmentation surgery, patients should consider the following important points:

      • Quit Smoking: Stop smoking at least 6 weeks before surgery.
      • Avoid Certain Medications: Refrain from taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and herbal supplements as they can cause bleeding during surgery.
      • Follow Doctor’s Instructions: Adhere to all the instructions and advice given by your doctor before the surgery.
      • Arrange for a Companion: Butt augmentation surgeries are usually performed in outpatient clinics, so arrange for a companion to accompany you home after the surgery.
      • Choose a Qualified Surgeon: Ensure that the operation is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon and at a qualified clinic.

    Post-Surgery Advice for Butt Augmentation

    For a smooth and healthy recovery after the surgery, patients should follow these guidelines:

    • Avoid Sitting for Long Periods: Refrain from sitting or lying on your buttocks for at least a week after surgery.
    • Wear a Special Garment: Wear the special compression garment for your buttocks for at least three weeks.
    • Avoid Exercise: Avoid exercise or activities that require significant effort for at least one month after surgery.
    • Maintain Weight: Be careful not to lose significant weight, as this can affect the fat grafts in your buttocks.
    • Continue Exercising: Keep doing special exercises for your buttocks to help maintain the results of the surgery for a longer period.

    Who is Suitable for Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

    Butt aesthetics (BBL surgery) is suitable for individuals in good general health who are not satisfied with the shape of their buttocks and wish to enhance their volume.

    BBL surgery is performed by transferring fat taken from other parts of the body to the buttocks. The fat is harvested using liposuction, purified, and then injected into the buttocks.


    BBL surgery is generally suitable for individuals aged 18 and over. The patient's overall health and aesthetic expectations are also taken into consideration.

    es, men can also undergo butt aesthetics (BBL surgery). Butt shaping and volume enhancement procedures are performed for men as well.

    At Turkeyaesthetica, BBL surgery prices for 2024 vary depending on the surgeon's experience and the techniques used. Generally, prices range between 3000-6000 USD.

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