Rhinoplasty in Turkey in İstanbul

Understanding Rhinoplasty and its Purpose

– Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure designed to alter the shape, size, or proportions of the nose.

– The surgery can be elective for cosmetic purposes or necessary for functional reasons, such as improving breathing or correcting congenital defects.

– A thorough consultation with a qualified surgeon is crucial to determine if rhinoplasty is the appropriate course of action based on individual facial features and skin condition.

– Surgeons customize their approach to rhinoplasty for each patient, considering their specific goals and the potential outcomes.

The Anatomy of the Nose and Its Importance

– The structure of the nose is complex, consisting of bone, cartilage, and skin that contribute to its overall shape and function.

– Because the nose is a central facial feature, changes to its appearance can significantly impact one’s facial harmony and aesthetic balance.

– Functionally, the nose is an essential part of the respiratory system. Any surgical changes must preserve or enhance breathing capabilities.

Potential Benefits of Rhinoplasty

– Cosmetic Enhancement: Rhinoplasty may improve facial symmetry and enhance self-confidence for individuals dissatisfied with their nose’s appearance.

– Structural Repair: For those affected by injury or birth defects, rhinoplasty can reconstruct the nose, restoring both its appearance and functionality.

– Respiratory Improvement: Patients with breathing issues, such as a deviated septum, may experience significant improvement after rhinoplasty.

Risks and Considerations

– Like all major surgeries, rhinoplasty carries general risks, including bleeding, infection, and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

– Nasal-specific risks involve difficulties in breathing post-surgery, which highlight the need for a skilled and experienced surgeon.

– Patients need to have realistic expectations about the results and acknowledge the recovery time and possible need for revision surgeries.

Insurance Coverage for Rhinoplasty

– Insurance coverage for rhinoplasty largely depends on the surgery’s purpose. Cosmetic rhinoplasty is typically not covered, while procedures addressing medical issues may be partially or fully covered.

– Detailed documentation and pre-authorization from the insurer are often required to prove the medical necessity of the procedure.

Before deciding to undergo rhinoplasty, individuals should engage in comprehensive discussions with their surgeon to align on realistic outcomes. It’s important to consider the surgery’s potential improvements alongside the inherent risks and recovery process. With a personalized treatment plan in place, rhinoplasty can enhance both the appearance and function of the nose for suitable candidates.

Reasons for Choosing Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a type of plastic surgery that transforms the nose’s form, size, and overall alignment with the rest of the facial features. Patients consider this procedure for various reasons spanning from aesthetics to function. A comprehensive personal plan is devised by a surgeon for each individual, taking into account their unique facial structure, skin properties, and desired outcomes from the surgery.

Cosmetic Motivations for Nose Reshaping

Individuals might choose to undergo rhinoplasty due to a variety of cosmetic reasons:

– Desire for Balance: The nose is a central feature of the face; hence, people often seek to alter its proportions to enhance facial harmony.

– Size Adjustments: Some may feel that their nose is too large or too small relative to other facial features, prompting a desire for change.

– Shape Corrections: Whether it’s a pronounced bump on the bridge, a drooping nasal tip, or asymmetry, adjustments can refine the nose’s contour.

– Post-Injury Restoration: Accidents can result in nasal deformities, and rhinoplasty can help restore the original appearance.


– Birth Defect Correction: Congenital defects like a deviated septum can be cosmetically corrected for improved aesthetic appeal.

– Age-Related Changes: As a person ages, the nose might undergo changes in shape and size, leading individuals to seek rhinoplasty to rejuvenate their appearance.

In deciding to pursue cosmetic rhinoplasty, patients and their surgeons will discuss potential outcomes, align expectations, and plan for a surgical intervention that takes into account the patient’s anatomy and cosmetic goals.

Functional Benefits: Improving Breathing

Beyond appearance, rhinoplasty offers functional benefits as well, particularly in enhancing one’s ability to breathe:

– Correcting Structural Blockages: Issues such as a deviated septum can obstruct air passages and can be rectified through surgery.

– Resolving Chronic Congestion: Long-standing nasal blockages may be alleviated, facilitating easier breathing.

– Repairing Injury-Induced Issues: Trauma to the nose might lead to difficulty in breathing, and reconstructive rhinoplasty can help resolve these problems.

– Improving Sleep Apnea: In certain cases, restructuring the nasal passageways may aid in addressing sleep-related breathing disorders.

Before proceeding with a functional rhinoplasty, the surgeon will thoroughly evaluate the internal structure of the nose, using medical imaging if necessary, to pinpoint the exact nature of the obstruction or malformation. The surgical plan will be catered to the patient’s specific requirements to improve nasal functionality.

Prospective patients should be aware of the risks associated with rhinoplasty, such as bleeding, infection, adverse reactions to anesthesia, and respiratory difficulties. It is crucial to discuss these concerns and the suitability of the procedure with the surgeon to make an informed decision. Some rhinoplasty surgeries, particularly those addressing functional issues, may be partially or fully covered by health insurance policies.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure Explained Surgical Techniques: Altering Bone, Cartilage, and Skin

Rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure that involves precise alterations to the bone, cartilage, and skin of the nose. A surgeon specialized in this field assesses the patient’s nasal structure along with their desired goals to formulate a strategic surgical plan. The techniques employed in rhinoplasty may vary depending on whether the surgery is intended for cosmetic enhancement or to improve nasal function.

– Modifying the Nasal Structure: The bone and cartilage provide the underlying framework of the nose and can be sculpted for better alignment and shape.

– Refinement of Nose Shape: Through careful reshaping, the surgeon can smooth out ridges, reshape the nasal tip, and correct asymmetries.

– Adjusting Nasal Proportions: Proportion adjustments can bring about a more balanced look that complements other facial features.

– Correcting Deviated Septum: For patients with breathing issues, the septum may be straightened to enhance airway flow.

– Skin and Tissue Re-draping: Following adjustments to the bone and cartilage, the skin is re-draped over the new framework to conform to the new shape of the nose.

These sophisticated techniques require the surgeon to have a deep understanding of facial anatomy and a keen eye for aesthetics. The complexity of the procedure calls for a personalized approach where the surgical methods are tailored to address each patient’s individual needs.

The Steps Involved in a Traditional Rhinoplasty Surgery

The traditional rhinoplasty surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort and safety during the procedure. The steps of the surgery may include:

– Anesthesia Administration: To begin the surgery, the patient is placed under general anesthesia to prevent any discomfort.

– Incision: Either an open or closed approach is chosen, where incisions are made within the nostrils or across the columella respectively.

– Reshaping the Nose: Depending on the desired outcome, bone and cartilage are meticulously reshaped.

– Septoplasty: If the septum is deviated, the surgeon will straighten it to improve breathing functionality.

– Closing the Incision: Once the desired shape is achieved, the incisions are closed with sutures.

– Recovery: Post-surgery, the nose is often stabilized with splints, and the patient is closely monitored during the initial stage of recovery.

Patients are usually required to wear nasal splints and may experience swelling and bruising around the eyes and nose, which typically subside within a few weeks. The complete healing process, however, may take up to a year and requires follow-up visits to ensure optimal recovery and outcome.

Throughout the entire process of rhinoplasty, from consultation to recovery, the surgeon and medical team offer guidance and support. It is essential that patients have a clear understanding of the procedure, the anticipated results, and the recovery timeline to maintain realistic expectations and ensure they are well-prepared for each stage of the rhinoplasty experience.

Preoperative Considerations

Before undergoing rhinoplasty, it’s imperative to have a clear understanding of what the surgery entails, the preparatory steps required, and the outcomes that can be expected. A well-informed candidate will participate in a detailed consultation process, select a qualified surgeon, and take necessary pre-surgical steps to ensure both physical readiness and mental preparedness for the surgical journey and recovery period.

Consultation and Selecting the Right Surgeon

A candid conversation with a plastic surgeon is the first step for anyone considering rhinoplasty. During the initial meetings, surgeons assess the patient’s health history, examine facial features, and discuss wishes and realistic outcomes. They explore the physical attributes of the nose in relation to other facial structures, such as the chin, which can influence perceived nasal proportions. Selecting a board-certified surgeon who has extensive experience in rhinoplasty is crucial as they can provide a gallery of before-and-after photos to help set realistic expectations.

– Surgeon’s Expertise: The experienced surgeon will formulate a personalized plan by considering factors like facial anatomy and skin thickness.

– Detailed Examination: Assessment might involve physical examinations, photographs, and discussions about the nose’s aesthetic and functional aspects.

– Open Communication: Establishing a rapport where patients can freely express their concerns and desires is essential for a successful outcome.

– Health Evaluation: A thorough medical history review, including any previous nasal obstructions or surgeries, helps mitigate risks.

Physical Preparations and Expectations Before Surgery

In the lead-up to surgery, patients must prepare both physically and mentally. Surgeons will provide specific instructions, which may include dietary restrictions, cessation of smoking, and avoiding certain medications that can increase the risk of bleeding. Preoperative discussions about what to expect during and after surgery help in managing patient anxiety and contributing to a smoother recovery.

– Lifestyle Adjustments: Temporarily abstaining from alcohol consumption, nicotine, and blood-thinning supplements or medications is typically recommended.

– Physical Health: Achieving good physical health prior to the procedure is advised to support healing and reduce the potential for complications.

– Mental Readiness: Understanding the recovery timeline, including potential swelling and bruising, prepares patients mentally for the post-operative phase.

– Insurance Considerations: For some, financial aspects play a role, so confirming insurance coverage for cases where rhinoplasty is medically necessary can be part of the preparatory steps.

While rhinoplasty can dramatically impact the appearance and function of the nose, it is a significant procedure that requires thoughtful deliberation and careful planning. Engaging with a trusted surgeon who provides clear insights into the realities of surgery and its aftermath is a pivotal aspect of the preoperative phase. With thorough preparation, patients position themselves for a satisfying transformation and a smoother recovery journey.

Anesthesia and Safety in Rhinoplasty

Understanding the types of anesthesia and the safety measures in place for rhinoplasty is essential. The medical team ensures that the patient is as comfortable and pain-free as possible during the procedure, and takes numerous steps to reduce any potential risks.

Types of Anesthesia Used in Nose Surgery

Anesthesia in rhinoplasty is administered to ensure the patient does not feel pain and is comfortable throughout the surgery. There are two main types of anesthesia used for nose surgery: general anesthesia and local anesthesia with sedation.

– General Anesthesia: This type of anesthesia is commonly used in major surgeries and involves being completely unconscious. The patient does not feel any pain during the procedure, has no recollection of the surgery, and requires careful monitoring of vital signs by the anesthesiologist.

– Local Anesthesia with Sedation: Also known as “twilight anesthesia,” this method keeps the patient awake but relaxed, and the nose area is numbed to block pain. It’s less invasive than general anesthesia and may allow for a quicker post-operative recovery.

The choice between general anesthesia and local anesthesia with sedation is made based on the complexity of the surgery, patient preference, and the surgeon’s recommendations. A preoperative assessment by the anesthesiologist will determine the safest option for each individual patient based on their medical history and any potential risks.

Safety Measures and Risk Management

When undergoing rhinoplasty, safety is of paramount concern. Several safety measures are adopted to manage risks effectively:

– Preoperative Screening: Prior to the surgery, the patient undergoes detailed screening to identify any underlying medical conditions or allergies that may affect the outcome of the operation or anesthesia.

– Sterile Operating Environment: Ensuring a sterile environment in the operating room is fundamental to prevent infections.

– Qualified Anesthesiologist Presence: A qualified anesthesiologist is present throughout the procedure to monitor the patient’s vital signs and adjust the anesthesia levels as necessary.

– Postoperative Care: After the surgery, the patient is transferred to a recovery area where their condition is closely monitored. Instructions for postoperative care are given to minimize the risk of complications such as bleeding or infection.

The risks associated with rhinoplasty, such as bleeding, infection, or a bad reaction to anesthesia, are rare but can occur. The surgery team is well-prepared to handle such eventualities with contingency plans in place. They provide comprehensive preoperative instructions to the patient to minimize the risk of adverse reactions, and they stand ready to address any complications should they arise.

In conclusion, while rhinoplasty is typically a safe procedure, it’s important for patients to be aware of the types of anesthesia used and the safety protocols in place. By understanding the process and trusting in the qualifications and experience of the medical team, patients can ease any anxieties about the safety of rhinoplasty.

Post-Operative Recovery

After rhinoplasty, the recovery phase is a critical component of the overall surgical process. It is during this time that patients observe the gradual transformation of their nasal contours as they heal. Understanding the post-operative timeline, what to expect immediately following the procedure, and guidelines for a smooth recovery, are vital for achieving the best results.

What to Expect Immediately After Surgery

Upon completion of rhinoplasty, patients typically awaken in a post-surgical recovery room where medical staff monitors their essential signs and ensures they are responding well to the surgery. The immediate post-operative period often includes the following experiences:

– Discharge on Day of Surgery: The general protocol usually allows patients to return home the same day, provided they have someone to accompany them and care for them in the initial 24 hours post-surgery.

– Potential Overnight Stay: In certain circumstances, such as excessive nausea or if additional health concerns need observation, a patient might stay overnight in the hospital.

– Initial Discomfort: Mild to moderate discomfort is expected, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication.


– Nasal Packing and Splints: To support the new nasal structure, nasal packing and/or splints are commonly used.

– Facial Swelling and Bruising: It is normal for the area around the eyes and nose to be swollen and bruised, which typically subsides within the first two weeks.

– Activity Restrictions: Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities to minimize swelling and the risk of bleeding.

Guidelines for a Smooth Recovery Process

The recovery period is not just about allowing the body to heal; it’s also about following specific guidelines to ensure the best possible outcomes.

– Time Off: Patients are encouraged to plan for at least one week away from work, school, or other duties to focus on recovery.

– Elevation: Keeping the head elevated, even while sleeping, can help reduce swelling and promote proper healing.

– Cold Compresses: Applying cold compresses around the swollen area (not directly on the nose) can help with discomfort and swelling.

– Avoiding Pressure on the Nose: For several weeks post-surgery, care must be taken to avoid bumping the nose or engaging in activities that could impact it.

– Follow-Up Appointments: Attending scheduled appointments with the surgeon for removal of nasal packing, assessing healing progression, and addressing any concerns is imperative.

– Adherence to Medication: Taking all prescribed medications as directed is important for pain control and preventing infection.

Patients generally start to see the final shape of their nose after the initial swelling and bruising diminish. However, it is important to note that minor swelling might persist, and the nasal shape may continue to refine for up to a year or longer. Adhering to these recovery guidelines and maintaining close communication with the surgical team greatly contribute to a successful result from rhinoplasty.

Risks and Complications

Rhinoplasty, while generally considered safe, involves certain inherent risks, as do all surgical procedures. It is essential for patients to be aware of these possibilities so they can make informed decisions and prepare for a smooth surgical experience.

Common Risks Associated with Rhinoplasty

Patients considering rhinoplasty should have a candid discussion with their healthcare provider about the potential risks, which include:

– Bleeding: Though typically minimal, there may be some bleeding during or after surgery.

– Infection: The risk of infection is present with any surgery, but sterile techniques and prophylactic antibiotics are used to minimize this risk.

– Adverse Reaction to Anesthesia: While rare, some patients may experience an unfavorable response to the sedative or anesthetic agents used during the procedure.

– Problems With Breathing: Changes made to the nasal structure can impact airflow, potentially resulting in difficulty breathing through the nose.

– Scarring: Internal scars after rhinoplasty are typical and usually not visible; however, external scarring is rare and typically associated with certain rhinoplasty techniques.

– Numbness: Temporary numbness in the nasal region might occur.

– Unsatisfactory Aesthetic Result: There’s a possibility of dissatisfaction with the outcome, which might necessitate revision surgery.

– Septal Perforation: A hole in the septum may develop and cause a whistling sound upon breathing, as well as crusting and nosebleeds.

It is noteworthy that these risks are not exhaustive; other complications may arise. Factors such as patient health, the complexity of the surgery, and the surgeon’s expertise will also influence the risk profile.

How to Identify and Manage Potential Complications

Managing post-operative complications involves early identification and intervention. Patients can consider the following:

– Monitoring: Keeping a close watch on the surgical site is helpful for early detection of unusual symptoms or changes that may indicate complications.

– Prompt Communication: Reporting any concerns to the healthcare provider immediately is crucial. This includes excessive bleeding, signs of infection (increased redness, warmth, or discharge), or unusual pain.

– Following Post-Operative Instructions: Strict adherence to the surgeon’s aftercare guidelines can mitigate many of the potential risks associated with rhinoplasty.

– Patience with the Healing Process: Recognize that healing is gradual, and final results may take up to a year to manifest fully.

– Pre-Operative Clearance: Undergoing comprehensive pre-surgical screening can help uncover any underlying conditions that may increase surgical risks.

– Choosing an Experienced Surgeon: Selecting a well-qualified and board-certified plastic surgeon is one of the most important factors for successful surgery.

Because complications, though rare, can occur, it is beneficial for patients to understand their health insurance policy regarding coverage of a rhinoplasty, particularly if a subsequent corrective procedure is required due to complications. Ensuring that the surgery is deemed medically necessary and obtaining prior written authorization from the insurance company can provide financial peace of mind.

Achieving Aesthetic and Functional Results

Rhinoplasty is not solely defined by its ability to alter appearance, but also by its potential to enhance nasal function. The dual nature of these objectives means that patients should have a well-rounded understanding of both aesthetic and functional outcomes.

Measuring the Success of Rhinoplasty: Aesthetic Outcomes

One of the primary reasons patients seek rhinoplasty is for aesthetic enhancement. The emotional and psychological well-being of a patient is often closely tied to self-perception of physical appearance. Surgeons are keenly aware of this relationship and strive to align the surgical results with the patient’s desires for a more balanced and harmonious facial structure.

The aesthetic success of rhinoplasty is measured in several ways:

– Patient Satisfaction: Post-operative satisfaction is a key indicator of success and is gauged through follow-up consultations where patients can express their contentment with the results.

– Symmetry and Proportion: A successful rhinoplasty should result in a nose that is symmetrical and proportionate to the other facial features, enhancing the overall facial balance.

– Refinement: Changes to the nasal tip, bridge, and nostrils are expected to reflect the goals outlined in the pre-surgical planning phase, with improvements seen in contour and angle.

– Natural Appearance: Achieving a result that looks natural and not ‘operated on’ is a hallmark of a well-performed rhinoplasty.

It is important to note that final results may take a significant period to reveal themselves fully due to the gradual subsidence of swelling. Patience is, therefore, integral to the process, with final outcomes often not evident until a year after surgery.

Evaluating Functional Improvements Post-Surgery

In addition to cosmetic changes, rhinoplasty can address functional issues that impact a patient’s quality of life, such as breathing difficulties due to structural abnormalities. The success of rhinoplasty in this regard can be judged by:

– Breathing: The key functional measure is the patient’s ability to breathe comfortably through the nose after the swelling has decreased.

– Correction of Deviated Septum: For those with a deviated septum, the objective is to straighten the septum, thereby improving airflow.

– Improved Sinus Function: For patients who experience chronic sinusitis or other sinus-related issues, an improvement in symptoms can signify a successful outcome.

– Sleep Quality: In cases where rhinoplasty addresses obstructive issues, improved sleep quality due to better nasal breathing can be a significant functional benefit.

Surgeons must prioritize the safety and health of the patient throughout the rhinoplasty process, ensuring that aesthetic enhancements do not compromise nasal function. Through thorough patient consultations and meticulous surgical planning, surgeons work to achieve a balance between a patient’s aesthetic goals and the intrinsic anatomical structure of their nose.

Patients considering rhinoplasty are advised to maintain realistic expectations, communicate clear objectives to their surgeon, and adhere strictly to pre-and post-operative care instructions to optimize both aesthetic and functional results.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts The Impact of Rhinoplasty on Facial Harmony and Self-Confidence

Rhinoplasty, often referred to as a nose job, has the power to transform a person’s appearance and self-esteem. Achieving facial harmony is a complex endeavor, and the nose plays a pivotal role due to its central position on the face. Specialists at Mayo Clinic understand the importance of this symmetry and take great care to tailor the procedure to each individual’s unique facial structure. Patients often report a significant boost in self-confidence post-surgery, as the changes made can bring the facial features into a more pleasing balance.

Experts note the profound effect rhinoplasty can have on someone’s life. Beyond improving the visual aesthetics, the procedure often corrects congenital defects and resolves respiratory issues that can hinder daily activities. It’s not uncommon for patients to experience an enhanced quality of life following rhinoplasty, owing to the alleviation of breathing difficulties and the psychological uplift from an improved self-image.

Surgeons at TurkeyAesthetica emphasize the necessity of having realistic expectations before undergoing rhinoplasty. The goal is to provide a natural-looking result that compliments an individual’s ethnicity, gender, and age, without indicating that a surgical procedure was performed. Open communication between the patient and the surgeon is crucial to understand the potential outcomes and to align with the patient’s vision.

Frequently Asked Questions and Conclusion

Can rhinoplasty change the way I breathe?

Yes, rhinoplasty can improve breathing if it corrects structural problems within the nose such as a deviated septum.

– Will rhinoplasty affect my sense of smell?

There may be a temporary change in the sense of smell post-surgery due to swelling, but it typically returns to normal as the healing process progresses.

– How long does it take to recover from rhinoplasty?

Recovery times can vary. While initial swelling subsides within a few weeks, it may take up to a year for the new nasal contour to fully refine.

– Is rhinoplasty painful?

Patients may experience discomfort after the procedure, but pain can be managed with prescribed medication.

In closing, rhinoplasty is a significant surgical procedure that can profoundly impact an individual’s appearance and nasal function. It requires a detailed understanding of facial anatomy, a keen aesthetic sense, and a thorough grasp of the patient’s health and goals. Those who undergo rhinoplasty at Mayo Clinic can expect a commitment to excellence in care, transparency in communication, and a concerted effort to marry aesthetic desires with functional needs for a holistic result that enhances their quality of life. The clinic’s experienced professionals underscore the importance of following recovery guidelines and maintaining realistic expectations throughout the transformative journey of rhinoplasty.


What is the success rate of Rhinoplasty at TURKEYAESTHETICA?

 At TURKEYAESTHETICA, we pride ourselves on our high success rate for rhinoplasty, thanks to our experienced team and advanced surgical techniques. Each patient’s results are a testament to our commitment to excellence in aesthetic transformation.

How long does the Rhinoplasty procedure take at TURKEYAESTHETICA?

 The duration of a rhinoplasty procedure at TURKEYAESTHETICA typically ranges from one to three hours. This time frame can vary depending on the complexity of the surgery and the individual needs of the patient.

How long does the Rhinoplasty procedure take at TURKEYAESTHETICA?

 The duration of a rhinoplasty procedure at TURKEYAESTHETICA typically ranges from one to three hours. This time frame can vary depending on the complexity of the surgery and the individual needs of the patient.
Is the Rhinoplasty procedure painful? Patient comfort is paramount at


. Any pain during the procedure is minimized with anesthesia. Post-operative discomfort is typically mild to moderate and can be managed with medication prescribed by our surgeons.

How long do the results of Rhinoplasty last? Rhinoplasty results at TURKEYAESTHETICA are designed to be long-lasting. While the nose may undergo changes due to aging, the overall improvements from the surgery are permanent.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with Rhinoplasty? As with any surgical procedure, rhinoplasty carries risks, which our surgeons at TURKEYAESTHETICA will discuss during your consultation. Common side effects can include swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which typically subside within a few weeks.

How soon will I see results after Rhinoplasty? While initial swelling subsides within a few weeks, the final shape of your nose may take up to a year to fully refine. At TURKEYAESTHETICA, we ensure patients have realistic expectations and provide comprehensive follow-up care to monitor recovery.


How do I care for my nose after Rhinoplasty? Post-rhinoplasty care involves resting, avoiding strenuous activities, and following all care instructions provided by TURKEYAESTHETICA, including how to clean and protect your nose during recovery.

Will Rhinoplasty leave scars? TURKEYAESTHETICA’s rhinoplasty procedures are performed with precision to ensure any scars are minimal and discreet. In most cases, incisions are made inside the nose or along its natural creases to minimize visible scarring.

Is Rhinoplasty suitable for all types of nose issues? Rhinoplasty can address most structural and cosmetic nose issues. Our experts at TURKEYAESTHETICA will evaluate your unique situation to determine if rhinoplasty is the most suitable option for your needs.

How do I schedule a consultation for Rhinoplasty at TURKEYAESTHETICA? To schedule a consultation for rhinoplasty at TURKEYAESTHETICA, simply contact us via our website, phone, or visit our clinic in Istanbul. Our team is ready to assist you with your journey towards aesthetic excellence.


Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at altering the size, shape, or proportions of the nose to improve its appearance or function. The procedure can involve reshaping the nasal bones and cartilage, correcting breathing issues, or addressing congenital deformities or injuries. It is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves making incisions inside the nostrils or across the columella (the strip of tissue between the nostrils) to access the nasal structures.

This question aims to identify individuals suitable for rhinoplasty. Candidates for rhinoplasty may include individuals unhappy with the size, shape, or symmetry of their nose, those with breathing difficulties due to nasal structural issues, or individuals with congenital or traumatic nasal deformities. However, suitability for the procedure is determined on an individual basis through consultation with a plastic surgeon.

This question seeks information about the post-operative recovery period. Following rhinoplasty surgery, patients can expect swelling, bruising, and congestion, which gradually improve over the course of several weeks. Most patients can return to light activities within a week but may need to avoid strenuous activities and contact sports for several weeks. Full recovery and final results may take several months.

This question aims to understand the possible adverse outcomes of the procedure. Risks and complications associated with rhinoplasty surgery may include infection, bleeding, nasal asymmetry, poor wound healing, changes in sensation, breathing difficulties, and dissatisfaction with the aesthetic results. However, these risks can be minimized with proper surgical technique and post-operative care.

This question seeks to ascertain the longevity of the results achieved through rhinoplasty. While rhinoplasty results are intended to be long-lasting, the nose continues to change over time due to aging and other factors. However, the majority of the swelling resolves within the first few months, and patients can typically see the final results within a year after surgery. Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon and adherence to post-operative instructions can help ensure optimal and lasting results.

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