Understanding Breast Implant Removal in İstanbul

Introduction to Breast Implant Removal Surgery

Breast implant removal surgery, also known as explant surgery, is a procedure to remove breast implants that were previously placed for breast augmentation or reconstruction.

– What is the procedure?

– This surgical operation involves the extraction of the implants and, in some cases, addresses any changes to the breast tissue that have occurred since the initial implantation.

– Potential accompanying procedures can include a breast lift or capsulectomy, where the surrounding scar tissue (capsule) can also be removed.

– Who performs the surgery?

– It is typically carried out by a qualified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast surgeries and has extensive experience with both augmentations and removals.

– How is it performed?

– The procedure usually takes place in a hospital or surgical center under general anesthesia.

– Incisions are made, often using the original scar lines, to minimize additional scarring.

– Recovery process:

– Post-surgery, patients might require a brief hospital stay or could be released on the same day, depending on individual circumstances.

– The recovery phase includes rest, limited movement, and the use of specific garments to support healing.

– Follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor the patient’s progress and handle any potential complications.

Reasons for Considering Breast Implant Removal

There are various reasons why someone might consider breast implant removal, including medical, personal, or aesthetic considerations.

– Medical Reasons:

– Implant Rupture: Occurs when the outer shell of an implant breaks down.

– Capsular Contracture: The formation of tight scar tissue around the implant, leading to discomfort and aesthetic concerns.

– Breast Implant Illness (BII): A term used to describe a variety of symptoms thought to be linked to breast implants.

– Personal Reasons:

– Change in Preference: A person’s aesthetic preference regarding their breast size or shape might change over time.

– Lifestyle Changes: Active lifestyles or physical discomfort with large implants may lead to a decision to remove them.

– Aesthetic Reasons:

– Aging: Changes in the body due to aging may affect how implants look and feel.

– Weight Fluctuations: Significant weight gain or loss can alter the appearance of the breasts with implants.


Ultimately, the decision to undergo breast implant removal is a personal one and should be made after careful consideration and consultation with a healthcare professional. It’s essential for individuals to discuss their motives, expectations, and potential risks with a surgeon who can provide guidance tailored to their specific situation.

The Procedure of Breast Implant Removal Steps Involved in Breast Implant Removal Surgery

Consultation: Initially, the patient meets with the plastic surgeon to discuss the reasons for the implant removal and the desired outcome. The surgeon evaluates the individual’s current breast health, reviews their medical history, and discusses possible risks and complications.

Preoperative Assessment: This involves the patient undergoing necessary medical tests to ensure they are fit for surgery. These may include blood tests, mammograms, and possibly an MRI.

Anesthesia: Before the procedure begins, the patient is administered anesthesia. The type can vary between general and local, depending on the complexity of the surgery and the surgeon’s recommendation.

Incision: The surgeon makes an incision, typically along the previous scar line from the breast augmentation, to minimize additional scarring.

Removal of Implant: Once the incision is made, the surgeon carefully removes the breast implant. If there is scar tissue present around the implant (capsular contracture), the surgeon may also remove some or all of this tissue.

Closure of Incisions: The incisions are sutured closed, often with layers of sutures beneath the skin to support the breast tissue and optimize healing.

Recovery: After the surgery, the patient is taken to a recovery area where their vital signs are monitored. Instructions are given for postoperative care, including medication for pain management, and information on follow-up appointments.

What to Expect During the Explant Surgery

Duration: Breast implant removal procedures typically last one to three hours, depending on whether additional work such as removal of scar tissue or a breast lift is performed.

Discomfort: Some discomfort and swelling are common immediately after the surgery, but pain can usually be controlled with prescription medication.

Support Garments: A surgical bra or compression garment may be required to aid the healing process and support the breast tissue.

Physical Limitations: Patients are generally advised to avoid strenuous activities for several weeks to allow proper healing and to reduce the risk of complications.

Visible Changes: The breasts will look different immediately following the implant removal; however, it can take weeks or even months for swelling to subside and for the breast tissue to settle into its new shape.

Emotional Adjustment: Patients may go through a period of emotional adjustment as they get used to the new size and shape of their breasts.

Follow-up Care: Regular follow-ups with the plastic surgeon are important to monitor the healing process and address any concerns or complications that may arise.

Total Capsulectomy and En Bloc Removal Dr. Hirsch’s Approach to Breast Implant Removal

– Philosophy: Dr. Hirsch firmly believes in a patient-centered approach. Acknowledging that every patient’s situation is unique, she provides personalized consultations and detailed explanations about the procedure.

– Technique Proficiency: She is skilled in various techniques, including total capsulectomy and en bloc removal, ensuring that she selects the method most appropriate for the patient’s specific needs.

– Safety Focus: Dr. Hirsch prioritizes patient safety above all else. She emphasizes thorough preoperative assessments and the utilization of advanced surgical methods to minimize risks.

– Aesthetic Concerns: Understanding the aesthetic concerns that come with implant removal, she endeavors to achieve outcomes that align with the patient’s expectations and strives for the most natural-looking results.

– Follow-Up Commitment: Post-surgery, Dr. Hirsch maintains a strong commitment to follow-up care, ensuring that her patients receive comprehensive support during their recovery journey.

The Importance of Total Capsulectomy and En Bloc Techniques

– Complete Removal: Total capsulectomy involves the complete removal of the capsule of scar tissue that forms around a breast implant, which may be necessary when complications like capsular contracture occur.

– Potential Benefits: En bloc removal, a technique where the implant and surrounding capsule are removed together as one unit, is often preferred to prevent contamination and reduce the chance of leaving any residual silicone or other materials in the breast area.

– Indications for Procedure: These techniques are particularly indicated for patients experiencing symptoms of Breast Implant Illness (BII) or when implants have ruptured.

– Complexity and Expertise: Both total capsulectomy and en bloc removal are complex procedures that require a high level of surgical expertise. Surgeons must carefully navigate around important anatomical structures to ensure patient safety.

– Impact on Recovery: While these techniques may lead to a longer recovery time, they are crucial in certain cases to ensure all potentially problematic tissue is removed, and the patient’s long-term health is safeguarded.

In summary, Dr. Hirsch’s approach to breast implant removal is marked by a commitment to personalized care, surgical excellence, and comprehensive patient support. The utilization of total capsulectomy and en bloc techniques is instrumental in ensuring that the implant removal process addresses not only aesthetic considerations but also the long-term health and wellness of the patient. As with any complex surgical procedure, the choice of surgical method should be discussed in detail with a qualified plastic surgeon who can assess the individual’s unique situation and health requirements.

Preparing for Your Breast Implant Removal Surgery How to Prepare for the Operation

Medical Evaluation: Undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation to assess your overall health status and any potential risks associated with the surgery. This typically includes blood tests and breast imaging studies.

Discuss Medications: Review your current medications with your surgeon, as some medications may need to be adjusted or stopped temporarily before the surgery.

Nutritional Guidance: Follow nutritional guidelines provided by your surgeon to ensure your body is well-prepared for the healing process. This may include increasing protein intake and maintaining a balanced diet.

Smoking Cessation: If you smoke, it is crucial to stop smoking well in advance of the surgery as it can hinder the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

Arrange for Assistance: Ensure you have a support system in place for after the surgery, including someone to drive you home and help you with day-to-day activities during your initial recovery period.


Preparing Your Home: Set up a comfortable recovery area in your home, with essentials such as medications, water, and entertainment within easy reach.

Follow Preoperative Instructions: Adhere strictly to any preoperative instructions given by your surgeon, including guidelines on eating, drinking, and bathing.

Understand Postoperative Care: Familiarize yourself with postoperative care regimens such as wound care, use of compression garments, and medication schedules to manage pain and prevent infection.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon

Board Certification: Verify that the surgeon is board-certified in plastic surgery, which indicates they have undergone the necessary training and passed exams that validate their expertise.

Experience with Explant Surgery: Choose a surgeon who has vast experience specifically with breast implant removal procedures.

Before and After Photos: Review before and after photos of previous explant surgeries the surgeon has performed to assess their skill and the results you might expect.

Consultations: Schedule consultations with several surgeons to discuss your goals and concerns, and gauge your comfort level and trust in their professional opinion.

Reputation and Reviews: Research the surgeon’s reputation and read reviews from other patients who have undergone breast implant removal surgery with them.

Hospital Privileges: Ensure the surgeon has privileges at a reputable hospital or accredited surgery center where the procedure will be performed.

Transparent Communication: Your surgeon should provide clear, honest communication about the risks, benefits, costs, and what to expect in terms of results and recovery from breast implant removal surgery.

Follow-Up Care: Confirm the surgeon’s policies on follow-up visits and their availability to address any postoperative concerns or complications that may arise.

Recovery After Breast Implant Removal The Recovery Process: What to Expect

Initial Healing: In the first few days post-surgery, patients may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which are common. It is important to follow all postoperative instructions to mitigate these symptoms.

Pain Management: Pain can be managed with medications prescribed by the surgeon. Over-the-counter pain relievers should only be used if approved by the medical provider.

Follow-Up Appointments: Keep all scheduled follow-up appointments, as these are crucial for monitoring the healing process and addressing any concerns that may arise.

Activity Restrictions: Patients should avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for several weeks after surgery to prevent complications and promote proper healing.

Compression Garments: The surgeon may recommend wearing compression garments to reduce swelling and support the breast tissue as it heals.


Observation of Incision Sites: Regularly inspect incision sites for signs of infection and follow guidelines for wound care as instructed by the surgeon.

Emotional Reactions: It is normal to have mixed emotions post-surgery. The supportive consultation with a therapist or support group may be beneficial.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery

Arrange for Support: Organize help from family or a friend for the first few days of recovery, not only for emotional support but also to assist with daily tasks.

Hydrate and Eat Healthily: Drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious foods that aid in recovery. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals can promote healing.

Rest Adequately: Ensure sufficient rest and sleep, as the body heals more efficiently while at rest.

Keep Hygienic: Maintain personal hygiene and keep the incision area clean and dry, which helps prevent infection.

Wear Appropriate Clothing: Loose-fitting clothes that open in the front can be more comfortable and avoid disturbing the surgical site.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol: Both can impair the healing process, so patients should refrain from smoking and limit alcohol consumption during recovery.

Be Patient: Understand that recovery can take time, and it’s important to be patient with the body as it heals.

Adhere to Follow-Up Care: Consistently follow the surgeon’s instructions for care, including the use of topical treatments or scar care techniques if recommended.

Breast implant removal surgery requires comprehensive preparation and a commitment to follow through with post-operative care. By adhering to the surgeon’s recommendations and these tips, patients can increase their chances of a smooth and successful recovery.

Potential Complications and Risks Understanding the Risks of Breast Implant Removal

Anesthetic Reactions: As with any surgery requiring anesthesia, there is a risk of adverse reactions ranging from mild allergy to severe complications.

Infection: Postoperative infection is a potential risk which can prolong recovery and may require additional treatment.

Bleeding: Excessive bleeding during or after the procedure can lead to complications and might necessitate a blood transfusion or additional surgery.

Scarring: While incisions are typically made in the same place as the breast augmentation, explant surgery may result in noticeable scarring.

Breast Sensation Changes: Some individuals may experience changes or loss of breast sensation after implant removal.


Breast Shape and Contour Irregularities: The appearance of the breast post-explantation can be unpredictable, and some patients may require additional procedures to address sagging or asymmetry.

Fluid Accumulation: Seroma, the collection of fluid under the skin, can occur post-surgery, potentially requiring additional interventions to drain the fluid.

Psychological Impact: The changes in body image post-surgery can also have psychological effects which should be considered before the operation.

It’s important for prospective patients to be thoroughly aware of these risks to make an informed decision about proceeding with breast implant removal surgery.


How to Minimize Complications Post-Surgery

Choosing a Qualified Surgeon: Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon with considerable experience in explant procedures significantly reduces the risk of complications.

Strict Adherence to Pre- and Post-Operative Guidelines: Following the surgery, closely following your surgeon’s instructions is vital for reducing the risk of infection and other complications.

Avoiding Strenuous Activities: Refraining from heavy lifting and vigorous physical activity post-surgery as advised by your surgeon can prevent bleeding and support proper healing.

Maintain Hygiene: Keeping the incision site clean and monitoring for any signs of infection are essential preventive measures.

Wearing the Right Support: Use of a surgical bra or compression garment may be recommended to help reduce swelling and support the breast as it heals.

Regular Follow-Ups: Attending follow-up appointments allows for monitoring of the healing process and the early detection and management of any potential complications.

Healthy Lifestyle: A nutritious diet, adequate hydration, and no smoking can improve recovery and decrease the likelihood of complications.

Patients should have an open dialogue with their surgeon to address any pre-existing health conditions and understand all potential risks and how to mitigate them prior to breast implant removal surgery.

Life After Breast Implant Removal Adjusting to Life without Breast Implants

In the period following breast implant removal, patients often experience a time of adjustment as they acclimate to their altered body image. The breast tissue may take some time to settle into its new shape, which may involve a degree of natural resiliency that allows the tissue to contract or expand slightly. The recovery process is not only physical but also entails a gradual acceptance of the new body contours. During this phase, it’s essential for individuals to be patient and allow themselves the time they need to adapt to the changes.

Physical Adjustments: From a physical standpoint, the elasticity of the skin and the amount of natural breast tissue remaining will dictate the appearance of the breasts post-surgery. Some patients may desire or require additional surgical interventions, such as a breast lift, to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome.

Support Systems: Wearing a supportive bra in the weeks and months after surgery is critical to help shape the breast tissue and provide comfort during the healing process. Additionally, communication with healthcare providers about any concerns or abnormalities during the recovery phase is of utmost importance.

Lifestyle Modifications: Patients may find that their previous wardrobe might not fit the same way as it did prior and adjustments may be necessary. Engaging in strength-building exercises recommended by a physiotherapist or personal trainer, once cleared to do so by the surgeon, can also assist in gaining a more contoured figure.

Emotional Considerations Following Explant Surgery

The emotional recovery after breast implant removal is a deeply personal experience that can vary widely among individuals. The decision to remove implants can be fraught with complex emotional considerations, including issues of self-esteem and identity.

Psychological Support: It’s encouraged for patients to seek the support of counselors, support groups, or mental health professionals if they are experiencing difficulties adjusting to their new body image. This professional guidance can aid in navigating the emotional terrain post-surgery.

Rebuilding Confidence: Reclaiming confidence after explant surgery can involve a multifaceted approach, including nurturing a positive self-image, highlighting other aspects of one’s appearance, and embracing a holistic view of health and beauty that goes beyond aesthetics.

Realistic Expectations: It is crucial for patients to have realistic expectations and understand that their breasts may not return to their pre-implant appearance. Surgeons can provide before-and-after examples from their practices to help set achievable goals.

Personal Narrative: Many find that reframing their personal narrative to focus on the reasons for choosing explant surgery, such as prioritizing health or comfort, contributes positively to their emotional adjustment.

In the journey of life after breast implant removal, each person’s experience is unique. A professional healthcare team can provide the necessary support both during the decision-making process and throughout the recovery period to ensure the best possible outcomes for physical and emotional health.

Replacing Old Implants with New Ones Considerations for Implant Exchange

– Assessment of Current Implants: Before deciding to replace old implants with new ones, a thorough examination is needed to assess the condition of the existing implants and the surrounding tissue.

– Deciding on New Implant Type: Patients must decide between saline or silicone implants, consider the shape, size, and profile, as well as any new implant technologies that might have emerged since their last surgery.

– Understanding the Reasons for Replacement: Common reasons for implant exchange include cosmetic preferences, implant malfunction, or complications such as capsular contracture or implant rupture.

– Consulting a Surgeon: A detailed discussion with a qualified plastic surgeon can help in understanding the potential benefits and risks involved in implant exchange surgery.

– Considering the Costs: It is important for patients to consider the financial implications, as some insurance plans may not cover elective cosmetic surgery or subsequent procedures.

An informed decision regarding implant exchange takes into account not only the aesthetic outcome but also the physical and psychological well-being of the patient.

The Process of Implant Replacement

– Preoperative Evaluation: Prospective patients undergo a comprehensive health evaluation to ensure they are suitable candidates for surgery and to minimize risks.

– Surgical Technique: The surgeon will often use the same incisions from the initial breast augmentation to remove the old implants and insert new ones, thereby limiting additional scarring.

– Anesthesia: General anesthesia is commonly used during implant exchange procedures to ensure patient comfort.

– Removal of Old Implants: The surgeon carefully removes the existing implants, and any scar tissue that may have formed around them, known as the capsule, may also be removed or modified.

– Insertion of New Implants: New implants are then placed into the breast pockets, which may be adjusted if necessary to accommodate the new implants’ size or shape.

– Recovery Period: After implant replacement surgery, patients typically require a recovery period similar to the initial breast augmentation, involving rest, limited movement, and following postoperative care instructions.

– Follow-Up Care: Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to ensure proper healing and to monitor the condition of the new implants over time.

Replacing old breast implants with new ones is a significant decision that involves careful consideration of various factors and a detailed understanding of the procedure. By working closely with an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon, patients can achieve their desired outcomes while minimizing risks associated with the surgery.

Conclusion Summarizing Key Points on Breast Implant Removal

– Evaluation of Risks and Benefits: It is crucial for individuals to weigh the potential risks against the anticipated benefits when considering the exchange of breast implants. This involves a realistic understanding of both the surgical procedure and the expected recovery process.

– Personalized Treatment Plans: Each patient’s situation is unique, and as such, treatment plans for implant replacement should be tailored to the individual’s specific health conditions, aesthetic goals, and medical history.

– Advancements in Implant Technology: With ongoing advancements in breast implant technology, individuals opting for new implants can benefit from the latest developments that may offer improved outcomes and increased safety.

– Importance of Surgeon Selection: The expertise of the plastic surgeon plays a significant role in the success of implant exchange surgery. Selecting a board-certified surgeon with extensive experience can significantly impact the quality of results.

– Postoperative Care and Recovery: Adherence to postoperative care instructions is imperative for a smooth recovery and optimal results. Patients should be prepared for the necessary downtime and adjustments in their daily activities following the procedure.

By considering these key points, patients can approach their breast implant removal or exchange with a comprehensive awareness of what the procedure entails and the importance of individualized care for achieving satisfactory results.

Frequently Asked Questions about Explant Surgery

– What is the lifespan of breast implants?: Breast implants are not lifetime devices, and it is generally recommended to have them evaluated by a surgeon every 10-15 years to determine if they should be replaced.

– When should breast implants be replaced?: Implants should be replaced if there is a complication such as rupture or capsular contracture, a change in personal aesthetic preferences, or as recommended by a medical professional.

– Can the size and type of the new implants differ from the old ones?: Yes, patients can choose to change the size, shape, or type (saline or silicone) of their new implants, and the pocket may be adjusted to fit the new implant appropriately.

– How long does recovery from implant exchange surgery take?: The recovery period can vary, but most patients should anticipate taking at least one to two weeks off work and limiting physical activity for several weeks.

– Are there visible scars after explant surgery?: Surgeons often use the same incisions from the initial augmentation to minimize additional scarring; however, some visible scarring may still occur.

– Will insurance cover the cost of implant exchange surgery?: Implant exchange for cosmetic reasons is usually not covered by insurance, but coverage may be available for medically necessary procedures, such as those involving implant rupture or severe capsular contracture.

Armed with this information, individuals considering breast implant removal or exchange can engage in a meaningful dialogue with their surgeon to determine the most appropriate course of action for their specific needs and ensure a positive surgical experience.


Breast implant removal surgery, also known as explantation, is a surgical procedure aimed at removing breast implants from the body. It may be performed for various reasons, including dissatisfaction with the implants, complications such as capsular contracture or implant rupture, or a desire to return to a natural breast appearance.

Good candidates for breast implant removal are individuals who are experiencing issues with their breast implants, such as pain, discomfort, asymmetry, or changes in breast shape or size. Candidates should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure.

There are several techniques used in breast implant removal surgery, depending on factors such as the type of implants, the presence of scar tissue (capsular contracture), and the desired outcome. These techniques may include simple implant removal, capsulectomy (removal of scar tissue), or breast lift (mastopexy) to address changes in breast shape and contour.

Recovery from breast implant removal surgery varies depending on the individual and the specific techniques used during the procedure. Patients may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the breast area, which typically subside within a few weeks. Strenuous activities should be avoided for several weeks, and most individuals can return to work and light activities within 1-2 weeks.

As with any surgical procedure, breast implant removal carries risks and potential complications, such as infection, bleeding, changes in breast sensation, asymmetry, and scarring. The risk of complications may be higher in individuals who have had previous breast augmentation surgery or complications with their implants. It's important for patients to discuss these risks with their surgeon and carefully follow all pre- and post-operative instructions to minimize complications.

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